beth + jared . wedding 12.11.08

what an absolutely brilliant wedding! a sweet + stunning bride paired with a very gracious groom mixed with lots of sublime details and topped off with wedding guests that knew how to party added up to a perfect wedding in our books! seriously, beth + jared thought of it all and were incredible hosts to all of their family and friends that traveled to the water color inn resort on santa rosa beach in florida to celebrate with them! a huge thanks to adam + heidi for helping with this wedding. here's some images that made our eyes sparkle when we looked through them all...

nouveau flowers did an amazing job with the floral design...wait til you see some of the tablescapes below!
finishing touches...her beautiful necklace was a surprise from jared for her birthday and it is made with diamonds that belonged to her late grandmother.
love when bride's wear flowers in their hair...adds a touch of whimsy!
beth looked so radiant!
the girls...
the man of the hour...jared
the guys...
a beautiful custom chuppah...i love it!
we could not resist posting some details since they were amazing!
the first dance! love the hanging rows of orchid petals!
it's bubble time!
beth + jared congrats to both of you!!! we loved working with you for your fabulous wedding weekend!

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