brad + margaret . wedding 08.27.08

we are just crazy about our newest cousin! that would be margaret of margaret + brad! this wedding weekend was so much fun for us! we got to hang out with lots of our family that we usually only see at the thanksgiving family reunion and we finally met a lot of margaret's family. she is the youngest of 3 girls and they have this really amazing sisterhood that it makes me ever so slightly think (just for a fleeting moment only) about going for that 3rd baby and hoping it is a girl! the wedding was in tallahassee on 8.2.08 and they had a ton of family + friends to help celebrate the day with them! a big thanks to adam for trekking down to florida to help with the wedding. because we love them dearly + because we have been away from blogland for so long, this is a gigantic post...the biggest wedding post yet! we just had too many favorites : )

margaret designed her own dress!
something old, something new...and a sixpence for her shoe! this is a wedding tradition that has been followed in margaret's family for generations. check out the newspaper that the shoes are sitting on...margaret's dad collects old papers.
i really loved her bouquet...i'm a big fan of orchids and i love the greens mixed in. i think there is even some parsley...
margaret looked so lovely!
margaret's sister rebecca is pretending to propose to one of the other bridesmaids!
love these next few of brad
what a bunch of dapper men!
brad + his best man, who also happens to be his dad!
the mothers!
i love this moment between brad + his dad
you gotta love the spanish moss hanging from the old oak trees!
scott could have done creative portraits of them all day long - such great subjects to work with!
the first dance....if you look closely, you can see ava at the bottom left corner in the pink dress decked out with a pink purse. she had so much fun hanging out with some of her older cousins (thanks katie, stephanie + brittany) while i was busy chasing around lucy!
lucy loving the cake...she loved some today for her birthday, too! happy 2nd birthday lucy!
love the getaway "car"...a vespa!!!
margaret + brad we are so happy for both of you - congratulations again! we can't wait to see you at thanksgiving and margaret we are so glad you are part of the family! ava + lucy send their xoxo's

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