happy birthday sullivan! 07.04.08

i love sullivan! today she is 6 years old. that is so cool that she shares her birthday with lady america! she is one of my best friends and she lives down the street. she has a sister, marin, and i like playing with her, too! their parents, ms. amber + mr. greg are so cool...and they give me chewing gum whenever i come over! so my dad shot a few quick photos of sulli + marin a couple weeks ago and i thought it would be really fun to surprise them with a few of my favorites!


first up, the birthday girl!
and marin...i even named one of my dolls after her!
sulli showed me the ropes about being a sweet big sister!
when we pass by their house these are the windows that i glance at to see if they are home!
we all love reading books together and sullivan's birthday party is going to be at a really cool children's book store. marin is such a great storyteller and she makes us laugh!
happy birthday sullivan! we love you (and marin)!

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