featured on green wedding shoes!!! 02.29.12

happy leap day! yesterday amanda + steve's wedding was featured on the green wedding shoes blog! they share lots of details about their home-inspired celebration so please check it out!

katie + josh e-session 02.01.12

happy first day of february! we are happy to introduce katie + josh today! katie is also scott's cousin + brittany's sister so yep, that's right ---> two weddings for their parents in the same year! i know i've mentioned before that scott's family has a HUGE reunion on a farm in north florida every year for thanksgiving (if you follow us on instagram cristenchester / wscottchester you have probably seen some snaps at the farm). well, there are usually about 90-100+ family members at the reunion AND there is even a talent show on thanksgiving eve! this year at the talent show katie + josh did a swing dance and it ended with his proposal! she was totally surprised + it was so magical to watch it unfold! our girls still talk about it! here are a few frames from their session while visiting in atlanta a few weeks ago.....
katie + josh we're so happy for both of you and can't wait for the wedding in june!
cristen + scott

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