K. Morgan: Very beautiful place, and I like that shots in the barn. (4.25.14, 6:02am)

Kaitlyn: WOW!!!! Casey your dress is amazing!!! Who is the designer / where did you find it? It's absolutely stunning!! (9.20.11, 9:11pm)

Casey Snipes (the Bride!!!): Oh my goodness...Adam is my most favorite person on the planet, these photographs are so much more than I ever dreamed of. He really captured the day and I just love the pictures with my whole heart! THANK YOU SO MUCH ADAM!!!!! (9.2.11, 3:32pm)

Shaun: I love the lanterns and these pictures are so good that I feel as if I was there! Thanks for sharing! (8.23.11, 7:53pm)

Judy St. John: Awsome -- I could feel the joy through these photos! (8.23.11, 8:22am)

JENNY MOMMA OF DA BRIDE: well, adam and the gang didn't disappoint1 WOW. I'm in love with all of you and so thankful that Casey found you! from the bottom of our hearts (and empty pocketbook...ha) thank you <3 (8.23.11, 12:42am)

jenny: stunning images! (8.22.11, 3:15pm)

andrew lee: this is fantastic. great work adam & morgan. (8.22.11, 10:22am)