Sarah: beautiful beautiful!! Like in a dream... :) (5.10.11, 1:01pm)

shannon: insanely awesome. what a crazy cute couple and awesome pics! (1.13.11, 8:28pm)

rychelle: i'm so glad you found retro bakery! it's the best!!! what a fun wedding. (8.26.10, 2:19pm)

Matt: SO GOOD!!! I love the flashing IN-N-OUT BURGER sign! (8.25.10, 9:48pm) I am thinking WOW! You guys made In and out look so cool and that couple is too cute! They and you guys made part 1 and 2 of these session look amazing! Very rad photos! (8.24.10, 11:28pm)

heather davis: Omg SO FUN!! I'm totally in love! (8.24.10, 8:47pm)

ronnie: Awesome!!! and you know that's not a word I use very often..Ya'll make a daddy proud. (8.24.10, 7:59pm)

Paige: PHENOMENAL!!! Perfect in every single way. (8.24.10, 6:40pm)

Jessie J: I am at a loss for words... (8.24.10, 2:50pm)

Susan: Stunning. (8.24.10, 2:47pm)

kyle hale: this is just monumental (8.24.10, 1:39pm)