Brittany: This wedding looks beautiful!!! Where was the ceremony site? (6.12.10, 11:28am)

fer juaristi: amazing wedding! lov ing the new brand. (6.10.10, 7:53am)

Barclay: We are breathless from oohh -ing and ahhhh-ing! Elly is making mental notes right and left! (6.8.10, 2:59pm)

Linda McCaleb: What a treat to get to "relive" one of the best weddings I've ever attended! I wanted the photos to go on and on and on..... (6.8.10, 12:55pm)

matt miller: freakin amazing. love that dress shot! (6.7.10, 11:52am)

Elizabeth: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! They are perfect. I'm so happy with all of them! Come visit! (6.7.10, 11:31am)

rychelle: while i view this wedding the song "country roads" is playing through my mind. i love it! (6.7.10, 10:41am)

kate kiefer: beautiful images! looks like a fairy-tale wedding! (6.7.10, 8:41am)

kathleen: What a beautiful day! Tyson, you look amazing. These are such incredible photos... (6.7.10, 8:30am)