Lyndzee of EP: Whooop whooop,,, I'm LOVING it!! ha I want to do a shoot like this with Rog as Marilyn and me as Elvis. Now THAT would be awesome. (3.21.09, 3:51pm)

Emily: too awesome!! can't wait to show everyone at work! (2.24.09, 4:25pm)

jesse chamberlin: yep, thats right....thats who i went to vegas with! (2.20.09, 8:14am)

Heidi Geldhauser: Holy wig action Batman!! With the chest hair and eyelashes - I'm not sure what to comment on first. You guys are special :) I love you. (2.18.09, 8:02pm)

the colonel: love em! (2.16.09, 1:53pm)

Anne Almasy: Oh. My. God. You guys are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny! I love it! (2.16.09, 7:23am)

Mama Betty: Dad would love this , I remember the pictures he took of you two. Have a .great trip Elvi and Marilyn. (2.15.09, 11:21am)

kevinearle: Tammy and i got a big kick out of this. I see more photo spoofs in your future. you all look like you're having a lot of fun. enjoy vegas. yeah baby yeah (2.15.09, 10:03am)

Mimi: Oh my gosh!...This reminds me of your prom photos! You both look just maw-va-lus daw-lings! Have fun and you know you're going to get mobbed when you land in Vegas in those outfilts! Loves, Mom (2.15.09, 9:04am)

Amber & Greg: I just pulled a muscle laughing. (You're going to have to pay for my physical therapy.) You guys have lost your minds - and we love it. Have a great time. (2.15.09, 7:54am)

Budds and Nana: 6Am and we've alreay pee'd our pants. Job well done. (2.15.09, 5:26am)